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2023 Club Projects
131 Projects
6,499 Volunteer
$39,744 Donated
(cash, grants &
$20,620 In-kind

Belize Service Trip
4 members and one spouse traveled to Belmopan & Belize City in February 2023 to share good works with the local GFWC Clubs in the area. They were joined by clubwomen from Wisconsin, Georgia and other Florida clubs. While there, members conducted a clothing drive, purchased animals for a local farmer, and visited area schools teaching personal hygiene and art classes. Students were gifted with personal hygiene items and beaded bracelets.

Butterfly Gardens
Environment CSP members got their hands dirty creating six beautiful butterfly gardens at an area assisted living/independant care/memory care facility. Some of the residents joined in to help. The project was in collaboration with Healing Hands Therapy and all materials were donated by Lowes and The Home Depot.

Crochet Lessons
Our ladies have several projects that require crocheting. How better to complete those tasks than to teach others the art of crocheting?!

Helping others meet their needs and share their message.

Women in Sports Night
Our club was invited to attend Women in Sports Night at the Bradenton Marauders Baseball Game. Guests stopped by the booth to learn more about the club's anniversary of 110 years of service in the community. While there, they were treated to cookies and an array of BWC literature.
Sun Day, FUN DAY!
Girls just want to have fun!
Making the most of the beautiful Florida sunshine and aqua gulf water, new and seasoned members set out for a Manatee River cruise. The afternoon was one of learning and socializing, while planning for upcoming club events.

Police Appreciation Luncheon
Our annual Police Apprecation Luncheon was held in May and hosted by the Civic Engagement & Outreach CSP. Two female officers were recognized for their extraordinary service to all Manatee County residents and businesses. Officers, city officials and guests were treated to a catered lunch from Cracker Barrel.

Flower Therapy
On a monthly basis in collaboration with Healing Hands Therapy, members assist day residents arrange fresh flower arrangements at Meals on Wheels PLUS of Manatee.

It was a hot August evening, but clubwomen and our booster husbands made Lakewood Ranch Music on Main a successful event. Guests visited our information booth, bought 941 merchandise, lots of cold beverages and the kiddos LOVED the "Spin It to Win It" wheel!

GFWC National Day of Service
BWC Members participated in a national day of service with GFWC Clubs worldwide on September 30, 2023, and received a Proclamation from Bradenton Mayor Gene Brown. The theme this year was "fight food insecurity". Partnering with FELT (Feeding Empty Little Tummies) & First Presbyterian Church Bradenton, we collected over 500 lbs of non-perishable food items, donated $500 to each food pantry, and purchased $300 in food items from the club's treasury which included support of all 76 BWC members. In addition to the food drive, members joined in for Manatee Avenue roadside clean-up...Keeping Manatee Beautiful! #LivingTheVolunteerSpirit

Social Butterflies
These crafty ladies keep the projects going year-round, meeting twice per month. Whether it is painting, knitting, crocheting, using a sewing machine, writing cards and so much more...they are living the volunteer spirit!

Supporting Teachers
The Education & Libraries CSP made and delivered these cute bookmarks with markers to teachers at Ballard Elementary School to remind them we are thinking of them!

Conventions & Meetings
Regular attendance at district, state and international conventions keeps our members well informed of what is going on in the communities around us and how service impacts others. Making new friends and sharing of project ideas is just a bonus!

Supporting our fellow Non-Profit Organizations
We enjoy each opportunity we have to support other non-profit organizations in our community by helping them reach their giving goals.
Top: Sponsor of Manatee River Rotary Club Casino Night, L-R: Sponsor of Tidewell Foundation Remembrance Walk 2023, Sponsor of Parenting Matters Sanga-rita Showdown, Supporter of PACE Center for Girls "Believing in Girls" luncheon.