Community Service
Our programs are based around five main service areas, along with signature projects regarding Domestic & Sexual Violence and Advocates for Children.

Arts & Culture
Art is found in many areas and is for all ages. Drawing, painting, sculpting, cooking, sewing, crafting, dancing... the list is endless. Culture teaches us the history and way of life of an activity.
Civic Engagement & Outreach
Community engagement can encompass many opportunities. We make a devoted effort to support our first responders, military families and veterans. BWC has also partnered with Jaycee Congress to recognize Honor Flight participants.
Education & Libraries
Did you know the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC) were instrumental in establishing many of the first public libraries in the US? Education is very important to our members and that is why we start early by providing supplies to our area elementary schools. Books are also purchased and donated to our local library.
We all know the importance of taking care of Mother Earth and protecting our environment. Our members participate in hands-on projects cleaning up Manatee County.
Another tidbit of history for you... GFWC was very active in the establishment of many national parks! Royal Palm State Park in Florida later became Everglades National Park thanks to GFWC member May Mann Jennings.
Health & Wellness
Taking care of yourself so you can take care of others has always been an important emphasis among club members. When you feel well you have the energy to get out and do more... and by do more, we mean volunteer! Our club helps a multitude of individuals in our community through the donation of food, clothing, hygiene items, etc.