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2024 Club Projects
(cash, grants &
GFWC Florida Convention
Some of our members traveled to our state convention in April for a time of learning and celebration of 2023 awards and LEADS (Leadership Education And Development Seminar) Graduation.
Camp Boggy Creek Bears & Afghans
We continue to work on Boggy Bears for Camp Boggy Creek- a non-profit camp for children with serious illnesses & their families to reach beyond illness and discover joy, confidence and a new world of possibilities, always free of charge. Handmade knitted and crocheted afghans are also a requested item for the camp. Every child at the camp goes home with a bear and blanket.
Handmade Valentine Cards
for memory care residents at Magnolia.
Bradenton Public Market
Spending some Saturdays at the public market promoting all the great things we do in the community and seeking like-minded volunteers!
Bags for the Unhomed
Members donated goods to stuff "bags for the unhomed". We've had some chilly February nights and the recipients appreciated the variety of goods inside: hats, socks, rain ponchos, tuna, protein bars & shakes, Gatorade, water, chapstick, soap, toothbrush, lotion, sanitary wipes, and much more. Bags were distributed at The Salvation Army.